Do You Need a List to Become a Pro Blogger?

No. Definitely not.

I have no real list. A few folks I email when I feel an urge to email. But I have not actively tried to build my email list since before I was in kindergarten. Kidding. I have not actively built my email list since I was in high school. Joking, again. I have not actively built my email list in a few years. I am doing OK.

I am not telling you to ignore list-building. Does building an email list feels fun for you? Freeing, like a dove flying into the heavens, at the end of a happy movie? Does it feel light? Calming? Relaxing? Yes? Good. Build a list. Experience sweet blogging and list-building success.

Do You Need a List to Become a Pro Blogger

But if building an email list feels as pleasant as drinking a gallon of piping hot tea in the middle of the desert while wearing 5 wool coats and 4 wool scarves, no, please do not build an email list. Why? EVERYTHING in blogging is energy. Heavy-feeling, annoying, agitating blogging actions lead to struggle and failure. I tried to build my email list for years. Nothing happened. No genuine growth. Everything stalled. I tried to force success through my email list because top bloggers told me I NEEDED to build a list to succeed. Not true. Help people generously, through multiple channels, and you shall succeed.

Building a list provides you with 1 out of 1 billion to an infinite number of ways to connect with your readers. Some prefer getting emails. Others prefer carrier pigeon delivered blog posts. Some prefer receiving blog posts via a Saint Bernard’s whiskey cask. Some like reading your guest posts. Some like reading your comments. Readers may bookmark your blog and visit once daily, or, once weekly. Who cares? If the list building feels heavy to you, readers find you through different channels. Think abundantly.

Never attach to list building or any single online channel. Attachment is fear. Fear destroys your blogging campaign.

Simply devote your blogging attention and energy to generously helping people through your blog, through guest posting, through genuine blog commenting and by promoting other bloggers through social media. Success will find you. List, or no email list, success finds generous bloggers. Never make list building the main goal because the money is NOT in the list. The money is in your generosity. If the money were on the list, I’d have made zero cents over the past decade. Do you see what I mean? I know other established bloggers who easily eclipse 6 figures without having a list. How in the heck did they make 6 figures? I thought the money was on the list? Shouldn’t these list-less bloggers make zero dollars, just like me?


Money is in consciousness. Money is an idea in your mind. Cash is a feeling, cash is generosity, cash is creating and connecting, no matter the online or offline channel. The only thing in an email list is a bunch of neutral numbers, and nothing more. Human beings you connect with through your list matter and should be treated generously, but if you never build a list, humans meet you through other online channels. They get your rocking content. You get a reader. Win-win.

Be generous. Be patient. Be persistent. Success will find you whether or not you decide to build an email list. Go for it, if list-building feels super fun and light. If list-building feels heavy and frustrating, stop it, immediately. Devote your attention and energy to other online channels, for that is where you will experience online success.

My guest posting and live broadcasting campaigns took off when I quit list building. Let go. Grow.


Do you want to become influential? Do you want to help oodles of readers? I wrote an eBook for ya. Buy it here:

How to Become an Influential Blogger in 6 Months or Less

by Ryan Biddulph
Ryan Biddulph inspires you with his courses, 100 plus eBooks, audio books and blog at Blogging From Paradise.

2 thoughts on “Do You Need a List to Become a Pro Blogger?”

  1. Hey Ryan Biddulph & vishwajeet ,

    Great post with great information. Its true that creating email list are important, as it allows us to connect with our readers, but we can’t ignore list building.

    I totally agree with your point that we never get attached to list building and any single online channel, as attachment is fear and fear also forms a barrier in our success path .

    People who are generous by their nature always keen to help others and spread positive vibes. They always get good support from others as well.

    Truly helpful post and thanks for sharing.

    • Yes bro; the attachment is the real issue here. Let it go, and things grow pronto. Thanks as always 🙂

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