What Is the Best and Worst Way to Get a Pro Blogger’s Attention?

I find some interesting networking strategies daily.

Sometimes, fear influences folks to use failing strategies.

Have you bought my eBook?

13 Steps to Make Your Blogger Outreach Campaign Sizzle

Let me grab one line from the eBook. This is one of the first lines in the eBook:

“Blogger outreach is making friends with authority bloggers.”

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Blogger outreach is making friends with authority bloggers.'” quote=”‘Blogger outreach is making friends with authority bloggers.'”]

Please re-read that line: making friends.

Offline, you make friends by patiently getting to know someone. All things are casual. Generous acts are offered. I am still friends with my high school buddies. 30 years of friendship. We chatted a few times in school to bond, then, I invited them over my house for dinner and hanging out. Organic. This is how you build bonds that last 3 decades.

What Is the Best and Worst Way to Get a Pro Blogger's Attention

But online, bloggers seem to do the exact opposite. Like, bloggers use the worst strategies to try to catch my attention, such as:

  • sending me unsolicited sponsored post and guest post email pitches without building a friendship with me, first
  • cold pitches via DM on Twitter, coming from folks who have not earned my trust
  • cold pitches via Messenger chat, coming from folks who have not earned my trust

I ignore these pitches because I do not trust these people and their desperate, greedy or unclear motives. I only trust my friends. Why do I trust my friends? I built bonds with them. How? Well, we both began:

  • commenting genuinely on each other’s blogs
  • promoting each other on social media and through our blogs
  • helping each other freely, without asking for, or expecting, anything in return

Bloggers get my attention by helping me with no strings attached. I love generous people; proves they want to BEFRIEND me, not USE me. Some people mean well, but do the exact wrong thing to try to catch my attention, because even though they may be nice, they did not build a bond with me and I do not trust them.

I Have 1000 Things to Do Daily

I only set aside time to help dear friends I trust, and to begin forming trusting bonds with like-minded bloggers. I cannot help folks who pitch me via cold email, cold DMs and cold Messenger chats because I need some mechanism to cut down on this wave of spam from strangers. Enter friendships. I devote my attention and energy to my loving friends, who love me, and help me, and I ignore the 90% of pitches from strangers who I do not trust. Nothing personal, just an efficiency thing.

Either you are on the outside looking in, being a struggling stranger, or you generously and patiently build friendships by helping top bloggers and expecting nothing, so you are an insider.

Wise bloggers would buy my eBook above and send me an email at: rbbidd@gmail.com letting me know of their purchase. Then, you begin to move from being an outsider, a stranger, to heading toward my inner circle, as an insider. Retweet a few of my posts. Comment on a few of my posts. You need to earn my trust, to gain my attention, because I had to earn the right to be trusted by top bloggers, for years. I had to pay the Trust Tuition to become a known commodity, and you will need to pay the Trust Tuition, to become a known commodity, too.

Just part of the blogging game.

by Ryan Biddulph
Ryan Biddulph inspires you with his courses, 100 plus eBooks, audio books and blog at Blogging From Paradise.

1 thought on “What Is the Best and Worst Way to Get a Pro Blogger’s Attention?”

  1. Trust tuition. I love the concept, Ryan.

    But it’s really just being friendly and helpful in a genuine and non-pushy way. And when someone is like that, it shows and then suddenly, people start helping them;
    because they’re there and have been there for quite some time, and their trust tuition is largely payed off.

    Though, I think we should never stop networking with the intention to help each other out and also, helping others makes you feel like you’re successful already.
    Crucial in the early stages of blogging journey, where every step is a pain to take and not lose faith in the process.

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