Shared Hosting Security: 4 Tips for Keeping Your Website Safe

Shared hosting services are the web hosting option for beginners who want to build their online presence without many security concerns. It is a cost-effective way of getting web hosting services for individuals and small businesses to host their websites. However, the nature of shared hosting service is that multiple websites share the same server resources. Hence, there are some of the potential cyber security challenges included in it.

We have written this comprehensive guide highlighting major security tips to shield your managed shared hosting servers. Read on and enlighten your intuitive mind.

Shared Hosting Security

Is Shared Hosting Secured?

This is a common query that many website owners ask their respective web hosts. Shared hosting is secured if you purchase it from a reliable web hosting partner. MilesWeb is a trustworthy cheap domain hosting service provider that offers free SSL, server monitoring, and other features that shield the information without any data breach. Despite their lower costs, MilesWeb does not compromise on the quality of web hosting services. With their cheapest node js hosting plans you can host your website based on Node.Js.

Why is Shared Hosting Security Crucial?

Shared hosting environments can be vulnerable to cross-site contamination because all websites on the same server share resources, such as databases and web server software. This means that a compromised website on the server can infect or compromise other sites, which can pose a risk to customer privacy and data security.

Security Considerations For Shared Hosting


Backups are an essential part of any cybersecurity plan, allowing businesses to continue to operate even if there is a data loss incident. Having a website backup is crucial to keep the data secure in unforeseen events. There might be human errors or technical glitches in the server that lead to the data loss. Thus, automatic backups by reliable web hosts ensure that there is no data loss.

MilesWeb offers daily backup services and server monitoring services to ensure no data breaches or information loss.

File Permissions

File permissions dictate users to access files directories. In this, users can perform different tasks. Unlike VPS or dedicated hosting, there is no full root access available for website owners in shared hosting. These permissions are crucial for maintaining system security as there will be limited accessibility.

These permissions are typically represented by letter codes (e.g., rwx) and can be adjusted using tools like chmod on Unix-based systems. Setting overly permissive access (everyone can modify everything) is like leaving your house doors wide open – a security nightmare. Conversely, overly restrictive permissions (nobody can access anything) can render your software inoperable – like locking yourself out of your own house!


  • Securing Data Transmission: In the course of communication between a server and a client, encryption converts data into an unreadable form. One can think of this method as putting a message inside a safe before sending it – only those with the right key (decryption technique) can open and read it.
  • Encryption Techniques: There are different algorithms for encryption, each having its degree of complexity and security. Some common examples are AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman).
  • Advantages of Encrypting Data: Encryptions protect private messages, credit card numbers, login credentials, etc., from falling into the wrong hands. It is particularly important during online transactions or while using public Wi-Fi networks for communication purposes.

SSL Certificate

Securing Communication Channels: An SSL certificate establishes a secure connection (often indicated by a padlock symbol in your browser) between a website and your browser. It’s like verifying the identity of someone you’re meeting online before exchanging sensitive information.

HTTPS and Trust: When a website has an SSL certificate, the communication between the browser and server is encrypted using HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). This ensures that the data exchanged remains confidential and unaltered.

Importance of SSL Certificates: SSL certificates are essential for protecting user privacy and building trust online. They are especially important for e-commerce websites, online banking platforms, and any site that handles sensitive user data.

Summing Up

Shared hosting offers a budget-friendly way to get your website online. But with multiple websites on one server, security concerns are valid. By following the tips above – using strong passwords, keeping software updated, backing up your data, and staying vigilant – you can significantly bolster your website’s defenses. Remember, shared responsibility is key. Choose a reputable hosting provider with robust security measures, and take an active role in securing your own website. By working together, you can ensure your website thrives in a shared environment.

For an extra layer of protection, consider exploring additional security solutions like website application firewalls (WAFs) or security plugins. With a little effort, you can enjoy the affordability of shared hosting with the peace of mind that your website is secure.