How To Build An Email List To Make Money (7 Easy Steps)

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to drive more traffic, getting more sales and increasing revenue.

According to some stats Email marketing’s Return Over Investment has increased by 4,300%, and that’s huge.

That’s why it’s super important to build an email list in the very beginning of your online marketing journey.

Email marketing works every time, it doesn’t matter whether you are in a (B2C) OR (B2B) market. Because the people you are trying to reach they all likely use email.

What is An Email List?

Email list is a sign up list of people who have signed up to receive emails from you. The most important thing here is they give you permission to contact them anytime through their email.

Which simply means that they do want to hear from you. Most of the people give you their email to sign up your weekly or monthly newsletters or to get access to your courses or anything else.

You don’t need to manage those emails by hand. These all works done by softwares to manage your collected emails.

Now which of the software you use, it depends. There are many marketing automation platforms to use to automate your email sending process to those collected emails.

Some of them are-

These automation tools are free upto 500 subscribers and allow you to keep your emails organised and send out messages to all of them at the same time. You can categorize them into groups which save you an incredible amount of time.

Not only this, these all the tools allow you to keep track of your running campaign and also which messages are opened and which are not.

Moreover, these tools also provide you with other data metrics like which of your mails have marked spam by the user, which is really an excellent feature they provide.

Others Benefits of having an Email List

Email is also an everyday part of our lives now and most of the people check it once in a day. Now with the advancement of smartphones they can check their email where they are.

This simply means you have the opportunity to reach your customer any time a day, no matter where they are.

What makes Email marketing so special-

  1. Email marketing gives you direct access to your customer.
  2. With special tools you can send any of your newsletter or deals to any specific person or to a group of people with a single click.
  3. When someone subscribes to your blog, this means he loves your content and wants to hear from you, which is great for your business.
  4. Email marketing also gives you a level of protection just in case your favorite social media channel ever decides to close or block you for some reasons.

Another thing is that Email marketing is extremely easy to use. Once you’re signed up with any marketing tools by providing some basic information & you are ready to go and start collecting emails and sending from the same day.

Why do you need an Email List?

Email lists are important. Before creating any of your social media accounts for your business first create an email list.

Otherwise be ready to regret later and hit your head against the wall for not building an email list sooner.

With email list you have-

  • Direct Conversation with your customer. There is no SEO that limits your reach.
  • You have your targeted customer. You know what they like and what is their interest.
  • Email list is yours. You have full control of it.
  • Many people use emails and have more conversion rate than Facebook & Twitter.

Many people think email lists matter only to those who have blogs and websites. But this is not the case. Many people build it through youtube and many by running ads.

Once you have a list of 1000+ subscribers, you can send them anything and also affiliate links to make money.

Even many students with business minds like one of my friends who have a youtube channel and he’s able to build a massive list through youtube and earn as a student.

How to Build An Email list?

Building an email list is one of the biggest keys to run a successful business. But building an email list is tough if you don’t have proper planning.

No one is going to give you a full control on their inbox by giving you their email without any reason.

We have seen lots of blogs that have a hanging newsletter and irritating pop up which are seriously disturbing for users.

Landing pages have replaced these things nowadays.

In these steps, I am not gonna tell you to put a simple newsletter on your blog. Instead of this I will take you through the funnel which leads to bulk your Email List Fast.

7 steps to Build an Email List Super Fast

 How to build an email List

1: Identify Hot Topics

Your very first step is to find hot topics. Hot topic means trending topic. Search for what people want.

You also have many options to find trending topics in your niche.

Google Trends: Google trend analyzes the popularity of top search queries in Google Search in different languages and regions.

Twitter Search: Twitter is also a good search engine for finding people’s problems.

Google alerts: Use to get updates through email whenever someone mentions your keyword in their content.

Surveys: Do surveys with your audience or through other blogs or social media.

This step is not necessary to find hot topics but you can create your own product related to your audience.

2: Create Your Product

Now after finding a hot topic. It’s time to design or create your product which you want to give your visitor in return of their email.

It can be anything, an ebook, video course, email series or an audio series.

Create a product which gives people what they want, that can quickly grab their attention. If you want to provide a course on SEO for affiliate marketing you have to design it first.

Design a course or any product or ebook.

3: Set Up Landing Page

The landing page is which you use to capture information or data from your visitors. This data could be an email, name, website, or anything you want to capture.

We also call landing pages a squeeze page.

What the landing page does is that whenever a visitor wants to reach to your product which you are selling or giving for free.

The first step your visitor has to take is enter their email address and name.

The importance of having a landing page is that even after entering all the details by your visitor. If he still hasn’t bought your product in the first attempt.

Still you have their email so you don’t lose them and stay in touch with them and convince them later by sending more discounts to your user.

If you are not selling anything and your aim is to capture more leads then try to give something in exchange such as ebook, checklist or anything.

These ways convert well.

Your landing page has only these elements and not any other distraction.

  1. Catchy Headline
  2. Image
  3. Detail of your product
  4. Bullets Points (if   necessary)
  5. Call to action
  6. Optim box (which capture their data like email, name etc)
  7. Submit button

4: Setup Followup Emails

In this step your visitor has to confirm their email before accessing a product you are giving. Because anyone can enter a fake email and direct the access and in return you don’t get their real email.

So make sure which platform you use for email marketing has an option of email confirmation first.

Another equally important thing is that after your visitor enters their email, then redirect them to the page with full instruction which tells them now they have to go to their inbox and confirm their email.

This is especially helpful for beginners.

After that from your email marketing tool, set up automatic emails that go to your visitor. Like when your visitor confirms their email then send them your product (ebook, or anything).

And if you are selling something and you notice that after entering their email address a person has not bought your product. Then set automatic emails that go to your visitor after a day or three days.

Don’t frustrate your visitor by sending emails every hour. This way you will lose all the trust.

Instead of sending them daily promotional deals, send them content emails and tell more about your product and build connections. After every three to four content emails send them promotional email and link to your product.

This way you can build connections with your customers and sell easily.

5: Drive Traffic

If you are selling a product then more the traffic, the more the sales. There are many ways to drive traffic to your landing page.

1: SEO(article marketing)

Write an article which tells about your product more in detail and put a call to action button toward your landing page.

When you have your article on your product, then harness the power of SEO and drive traffic.

2: Guest Blogging

You can do guest blogging on other blogs. But many of the blogs don’t accept that kind of request which is directly related to your product and does not add value to their audience.

In this way you can pay other bloggers to review your product and write about it.

3: Facebook Ads

2.6 billion people use Facebook. Create ads on facebook and drive traffic to get more sales.

6: Long Term Communication

Once you have your customer email you can easily stay in touch with them. Regularly send them emails after every week or two.

Send them regularly content emails to build more trust. After that you can sell your own new product or any affiliate product.

First you need trust of your audience. Send them blog posts, pdf reports, case studies- reposition any content.

7:  Test & Refine

After setting up everything and once you have successfully run a campaign. It’s time to refine and test different designs, elements on your page & also change your copy.

Try as much as you can to get your conversion rate as high as possible.


Email lists are the only secret of any successful business. Doesn’t matter if it’s a small business or a large. Email list is a must for every business.

Start it early or regret later. This is the only thing (regret) you can do when you are very near to your failure.

by Amarjit Singh
Bobby is a Blogger & Passionate about writing. He started MyHackersGuide as a passion where he writes about Blogging, Entrepreneurship & Making Money

2 thoughts on “How To Build An Email List To Make Money (7 Easy Steps)”

  1. Hey Amarjit singh & Vishwajeet kumar ,

    Great post with effective steps to build an email list.

    Creating email list are really crucial and a key steps for every successful business, whereas creating an email list allows us to do direct conversation and provides direct access to the clients and customers. Having an email lists provide our own targeted customer and also allows us to contact them anytime.

    Your each of the suggested steps to prepare an email list are so crucial, easy to understand and follow, whereas following these steps will allows several people, reader and users to create their own email list. The elements of landing page that you have suggested are also great, whereas the landing page also plays an important role and must contain these elements.

    Truly helpful post and thanks for sharing.


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