For those who don’t know, both JS and CSS are scripts that are present on every WordPress websites that every web browser must load up first before they can render the website itself. And as harmless as they seem, they can often increase your site’s loading speeds, and often, they can even block the sites rendering it. So, how to eliminate render-blocking resources on WordPress and boost your site performance?
The more weird scripts your website has, the slower it’ll load, which with the latest Google guidelines will mean a lower ranking.
And make no mistake: nobody ever likes a slow website, period! –

Therefore, in today’s article, let’s have a closer look at what these annoying scripts are, and importantly, how to eliminate these render-blocking cretins from your WordPress websites and give it a speed bump.
So what are we waiting for?
Let’s crack on;
Render Blocking Scripts – Why Eliminating Them Matters?
If you are a WordPress user, you know how awesome plugins are. But did you also know that whenever you install one, it also adds resource-hungry JavaScript’s& CSS files to your site’s front end, slowing the whole thing down?
This happens because whenever a browser tries to access a website, they are required to ask permission from all the front end scripts. First, wait for their response, download the files and finally, execute the same – the more of these worthless scripts your site is riddled with, the longer the browser will take it to load it up.
In other words, eliminating these non-critical files can not only give your websites a huge performance boost but can also make it run more fluid efficiently, which again can help with ranking better on Google.
So yeah, destroying these annoying scripts is a no brainer!
Here’s how to do it;
2 Ways To Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources On WordPress
At this point, you have 2 options: you can manually get rid of these scripts personally or, as ironic as it is, let a plugin do it for you.
Let’s have a look;
1) The Manual Solution
Requiring a ton of technical know-how, this method involves surveying the critical rendering paths manually & weeding out the scripts.
To do the same, you have to first, with the help of Async – an attribute to trigger the use of scripts – and Defer – a setup to help defer the use of scripts when rendering – attributes, engage in the following steps.
To do the same, you have to first, with the help of Async – an attribute to trigger the use of scripts – and Defer – a setup to help defer the use of scripts when rendering – attributes, engage in the following steps.
• Identify the resources required for above the fold content & expertly inline the CSS styles with HTML for more stability.
• Use another attribute (the media attribute) to identify better the CSS resources, which are absolutely critical & required.
• Flush the extra, non-needed scripts away, and then load up all the resources asynchronously & check them for speed & efficiency
Yup, that’s pretty much all it takes to spruce up your site – And before you ask; yes, it’s as tedious as it sounds, if not more.
Thankfully, we have a better option;
2) The Plugin Solution
Under this method, you’ll be using plugins to help you kill the extra scripts. They’re fast, efficient & better yet, only needs basic know-how to use. In other words, you will get all the perks of the manual method but sans the hassles.
Designed specially, here is three of our best, most favorite script eliminating plugins for your viewing pleasure.
- The Autoptimize
One of the best options out there, what makes this top plugin interesting is the fact that it incorporates extra perks for optimizing WordPress itself. Focusing on caching, this plugin preloads sites in advance, making sure to eliminate the extra script along the way, to render your websites faster.
In other words, this plugin makes subsequent visits to your sites easier, hence massively improving loading up times.
- Speed booster pack
Another great option to consider, once you have installed Speed Booster Pack, open the settings/dashboard and select appropriate options like moving scripts to the footer, defer the JS files from parsing, etc…
By doing so, you can altogether remove render-blocking Java Scripts and CSS in-the- fold content with just a few clicks.
- W3 Total Cache
The final contender, open the W3 cache plugin, go-to performance and then the general settings. On the menu, click the enable box for minifying, set it to manual and save all the changes you have made.
If done right, the program will start to hunt for the trouble making scripts.
After zeroing them down, it’s just the matter of tapping a few buttons, all of which are clearly explained in the manual, to get the unwanted JavaScript files and CSS scripts from all your websites forever.
Yeah, it’s that simple!
To install these plugins, just head on over to your WordPress dashboard & then navigate to the Plugins section. Select add a new option, and then it’s just the matter of searching for these top plugins and installs them.
After installing, just go into their settings and activate them for the websites you want, and yeah, you’re good to go!
Eliminate Render-blocking Resources On WordPress – The Conclusion
Let’s face it: website speeds are amongst the most important factors when it comes to attracting/retaining your precious visitors. So yeah, it’s understandable how annoying it can be when these tiny JS scripts and CSS waste slow down your sites and take your hard-earned ranking to the hell on a silver platter.
Thankfully, with the methods explained above, you can now not avoid the infamous alert to eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS. In above the fold content in Google page speed insights and get a pretty good score but also give your sites a performance boost as well – all from the comfort of a few simple clicks.
So what are you doing still waiting here for?
The faster you kill these scripts, the speedier your sites going to get & the better the chance your visitors to, well… visit them. Sure, a bit of extra traffic may not seem like much at first. But over time, it can make a huge difference.
We guarantee it!
Hey Vishwajeet kumar ,
Great post with effective tips to eliminate render-blocking resources on wordpress. I really like that ways that you have suggested.
It is true that eliminating the non-critical files will not only boost the website performance but also improves the ranking on google.
I truly like the Plugin solution that you have suggested.Your suggested steps to eliminate render blocking resources on wordpress by manual solution are so clear, easy to understand and follow, whereas following the steps will be helpful.
Truly helpful post and thanks for sharing.
I’m a bit confused. I just ran a Google speed test on wp-beginner and if didn’t score well at at all. What am I missing?
Hi, Aaron,
Good to read your tips on increasing website page speed by eliminating render-blocking scripts.
As a WordPress user, I have found Autoptimizie to be one of the most effective plugins. Also, if the budget is there, going for a premium solution could make a big difference – WP Rocket is a premium one-click solution to boost page speed and performance.
Thanks for sharing, Aaron.