Driving traffic to a blog is a very tough and hectic job. Newbie bloggers are really finding this very hard. They always complain that they are not able to drive traffic to their blog. In this post, I am going to show you some of the best ways to drive traffic to your blog.
Blogging certainly takes time and you have to work on different strategies that help you to bring good results. So, Without wasting your time let’s get started.
Here are the some of the best ways to drive traffic to your Blog in 2020

1. SEO
SEO is one of the best and free ways to drive huge traffic to your blog. It is also a great way to drive organic traffic and targeted traffic to your blog. SEO consists of mainly two parts, On-Page SEO and Off-page SEO.
On-page SEO can be done on your website. You have to make your website more SEO friendly by adding quality content, use bullet points, Make your paragraph short, Add relevant links, add alt text to your images and so on…
You can also check our post on how to conduct an on-page SEO audit on your blog.
Off-page SEO mainly consists of creating quality backlinks. Here you need to create quality backlinks from high authority websites. There are plenty of ways you can create quality backlinks for your blog. For example:
- Guest Posting
- WEB 2.0 sites
- Blog commenting
- Social Media
You can also check Brian Dean’s article on how to create quality backlinks in 2020
SEO definitely takes patience and a good flow of strategies and its implementation. In the long term SEO brings huge traffic to your blog without any costs.
Pro Tips:- Never engage in black hat SEO techniques or never buy links from sites like SEOclerks and Fiverr. Instead of helping you these techniques will bring Google penalty for your blog.
2. Quora

Quora is a very popular question-answer sites. Here millions of questions are asked per day. People are searching for their answers here. No matter which niche you are Quora got you cover. Literally, this is a great place to bring good traffic and conversions to your blog.
All you need to do is just browse through your relevant topic and look at what type of questions people ask. If you found something just answer the question in a pro way. You can answer it in 300 to 500 words. Add relevant links to your blog posts and submit your answers.
My 10% of all referral traffic is coming from Quora and conversions are also pretty good. Many professional bloggers are also using these techniques to drive traffic to their blog.
3. Social Media sites
Social Media sites are great ways to drive traffic to your blog and give you initial traction for your posts. Many people think that Social media traffic is junk but in reality, they won’t.
I have successfully generated sales from Social media traffic. This including regularly sharing your blog content to your social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
Social media sites are becoming an integral part of every individual’s life. People are spending most of their time on social media sites. If you haven’t created your Facebook or social media pages for your blog then create it now.
Start sharing content on Facebook groups, Connect with people online to bring a handful amount of traffic to your blog. If you have some budget then you can also use Facebook ads to drive some more targeted traffic to your blog or sales pages.
4. Video Promotion
Since the reach of the internet is growing rapidly and hence video consumption is also growing rapidly. People find it more helpful to see videos on their favorite topics. Starting your own Video channel is a big advantage to your web promotion.
Today bloggers and businesses are focusing more on Videos. You can leverage it to drive traffic to your blog. For instance, create a YouTube channel similar to your blog topics. Add videos to your channel and drop a relevant link of your blog posts in the description. It will definitely bring some visitors to your blog.
5. WEB 2.0 Sites
WEB 2.0 sites like Blogger, Medium, Mix, Reddit are the best ways to drive traffic to your blog. You need to use them wisely. You can also repurpose your content with these Web2.0 sites to bring some good visitors to your blog.
I personally using Medium and other sites to bring a good traffic flow to my blog posts. You can also use sites like Indibloghub and Indiblogger
6. Forums
Forums are a great place to interact with some good and knowledgeable persons. I have joined many web forums like WarriorForum, Digitalpoint forum, etc. It helps me to bring visitors to my blog and also learn something new on regular
All the latest things that happen in the online world are discussed in these forums. Many forums won’t allow you post links but you can use your profile and signature to drive traffic. You can definitely use these sites to bring traffic.
7. Blog Commenting
Though blog commenting has less SEO value but it is a great way to drive traffic to your blog for free. Choose high quality blogs and submit a detailed and genuine comment. Don’t keep it like building links only otherwise your comments will be deleted by the blog owner.
Make your comment relevant to the topic and make it engaging. You can start with a personal tone like” Hi, Blog owner name” This will create a good gesture and people love to connect with you.
Over to you
These are some of the best and free ways to drive traffic to your blog. So, if you are wondering how to get started just check out these simple and free techniques to drive traffic to your blog. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments below.
Hey Vishwajeet,
Such An amazing post to drive traffic on a website. People also have to understand the inner facts of the legit traffics. This consolidated guide will surely help a lot more people. Keep up the excellent work.
Hello Chayan,
Glad you like the post. Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Vishwajeet Kumar
Hey Vishwajeet Kumar ,
Great post with effective tips to generate traffic to blog. Generating more traffic to a blog is not an easy task, as it requires a great strategies. Generating more traffic to blog really means a lot and also helps to improve ranking and will absolutely takes blog to a high level. Driving more traffic to blog increases the blog value and makes it more valuable.
When it comes on generating more blog traffic then SEO is crucial and plays a vital role. Guestposting, blog commenting and social platforms are a great source for creating quality backlinks. Quora is an amazing question & answer website used by number of peoples, whereas this platform help several people to get relevant answer to their question. Social media sites and platforms are also a great source to generate huge traffic to blog. Social media platforms works really great if used correctly and in a proper way. The craze of Youtube is growing very fastly, Not only kids but also adults and teenagers like to watch an alluring video on youtube. Making own youtube channel is an effective way for promoting the video. Blog commenting is also one of an effective way to generate backlinks and more blog traffic, whereas blog commenting provide us an opportunity to connect with other great bloggers by sharing our ideas, knowledge and opinions.
Your all the suggested tips are effective and works well for generating more blog traffic but i truly like an idea of doing
blog commenting, seo, social media sites, web 2.0 sites and video promotion.
Truly helpful post and thanks for sharing.
Hey Vishwajeet,
When I started blogging, I had no interest in SEO. But, with time, I realized SEO is one of the most powerful methods to bring our content to the biggest audience.
Other most significant traffic sources of my blog are, Quora and Pinterest.
I just wanted to let you know my own experience.
Thank you very much for sharing.
Hello Nirodha,
SEO is definitely important to rank your site and bring organic visitors. It converts very well.However, Sites like Quora and Pinterest is also a good source of traffic. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Vishwajeet Kumar
Hello Vishwajeet,
In my opinion, It is very important to understand your audience personas to acquire high quality traffic to your website.
Indeed, SEO is one of the significant aspect for you while considering huge traffic.
Now-a-days, Quora is playing crucial role to attract fresh traffic to you because it helps you to develop strong bond with your audience.
People are streaming videos more than reading blog post and it is creative way to magnetize. But I like social platform due to massive population on those.
Eventually, thanks for sharing your creative thoughts with us.
With best wishes,
Amar Kumar