Top 10 Internet Marketing Income Opportunities

Now that the Internet has revolutionized so many things, including how we make money, you might wonder what the top Internet income opportunities are. Here is the list of the top 10 Internet income opportunities. Let’s check it out:

1) Affiliate marketing

Affiliate Marketing

This is where you sign up to sell things for a merchant online–except, you don’t do any selling. You simply agree to allow the merchant to feature a place on your website where visitors can visit them and buy from them. Every time they go to his website through yours and make a purchase, you get a commission. All you want to do is continue putting great content on your website to attract the visitors and some of them will inevitably buy.

2) eBay


Yes, you too can create an eBay storefront and become an auctioneer extraordinaire. This one requires keeping a little inventory, which most Internet income opportunities do not. However, if you choose to turn a hobby or a passion into a business, you’ll just be making money by selling stuff that you would have bought in the first place. This income opportunity is a lot of fun if you have the right temperament.

3) Blogging for bucks is similar to affiliate marketing


But bloggers tend to make their money through featuring advertising, such as Google AdSense and others. They are entitled to commissions on ad click-throughs, and the deeper the click-through goes the higher the commission. Again, bloggers need to keep their content very fresh and interesting to generate the needed traffic to make it profitable.

4) Using the Internet to trade in the stock market

Now this requires some expertise–but not nearly as much as most people think, or at least not the kind they think. Investing does not have to be a crapshoot or a game of blackjack. Probably the best person from whom you can learn how to use investing to make a steady stream of income and big bucks are Ken Roberts.

5) Buying foreclosure properties

Foreclosure properties are auctioned off at a fraction of their true market value because banks make no money from just holding properties: they make money from selling mortgages on properties. buy them, and then resell them (“flip” them) at their true market value to people who want a house.

6) Freelancing


Freelance ghostwriters and copywriters can make very big money. So can freelance graphic artists and other freelancers in other fields. You can use the Internet to quickly reach out to a vast audience and find clients in your field.

7) Starting your own business with a virtual office

You can use the Internet to set up a business that requires no renting of office space; no other office maintenance expenses; no commute; and no set hours. You would just have to set up any employees with the needed computer and software. You have minimal start-up costs and great freedom.

8) Being a wholesale drop shipment retailer

All you need is an account with a wholesaler and a website and an Internet market campaign. You never touch the inventory but still get paid for it!

9) Doing paid surveys

This doesn’t work for most people because most “opportunities” with this are in fact scams. But the legit ones pay big.

10) Telecommuting


With this, you do work for someone else, but you have (usually) flexible hours and no commute. This is becoming ever more popular with workers and owners. Strategic Marketing Solutions on the Internet is Different!

Successful Internet Marketing takes all the skills of a traditional marketing strategy PLUS some substantive knowledge of the way the internet and the world wide web functions. Without this understanding and ability to create an integrated web-based approach, the most effective strategic marketing solutions will never reach the light of day on the internet and you or your client’s productivity may suffer.

by Aaron
Aaron is the Owner and Author of this blog. He loves to help people to get success in their online ventures.

2 thoughts on “Top 10 Internet Marketing Income Opportunities”

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