Ideas, ideas, ideas.
Sometimes, blog post ideas feel fleeting, retiring, completely out of your reach. Other times, the writer’s block ends all possibilities in a split second. Knowing how to grab blog content ideas eases anxiety, stokes your creative fires, and catapults your blogging campaign. Content drives every blogging empire. Bloggers who seize and use ideas to create useful content establish a rock-solid foundation for their blogging campaign.

Nabbing content ideas is an art form. I developed a few strategies for being prolific over the years. Don’t worry; most of these content ideas are right under your cyber nose. You just need to learn how to mine ideas to become creative, prolific, and, a successful blogger.
1: Spend Time in Silence
This is by far my favorite strategy because silence reveals all mental blocks to blog post ideas. Fear prevents blog post ideas from entering your mind. Nothing outside of you creates writer’s block because fear is an inside game. Spending time in silence feels uncomfortable sometimes but reveals fears blocking ideas, said fears dissolving into the ethers after a few moments. What happens then? Blog post ideas pop into your mind. Content ideas invade your brain box. Like magic, but of course, people are designed to find all answers to life’s pressing problems, within. Set aside a few moments to be in silence. Record content ideas as these thoughts knock on your mind’s door.
2: Spend Time Listening to Your Readers
Pay close attention to your readers. Listen to their complaints. Pay closer attention to their problems. Tune in to what readers talk about on social media, through blog comments and via emails sent your way. Readers have all blog post ideas you could ever want, tucked firmly into their minds. Folks share their hopes and dreams, trials and triumphs, and everything in between, via their interactions with you and with other readers.
Note reader thoughts and feelings closely. For example; I recently wrote about my mother in law’s passing on a few blogs. My readership mentioned enjoying the post and wondered how I could even write it under such circumstances, although they were not entirely surprised because I do nudge into uncomfortable spots to write, sometimes. I could blog about writing during tough times, snatching that content idea from readers who wondered how I wrote after the death of a loved one. People spoon feed you ideas around the clock. Pay close attention. Watch what readers say about your niche. Does your readership not open their cyber mouths? Simply pay attention to top blogs in your niche. Note the community scuttlebutt to get content ideas for your blog.
3: Flesh Out What You Already Wrote
Wise people note how ideas seized, multiply. Seizing ideas from former blog post sections multiplies other ideas in your mind. I plan to write another guest post in 5 minutes. As an idea, I can take the prior point I made – Spend Time Listening to Your Readers – and simply expand on the idea to find a new content idea. For example, 4 Tips for Listening to Your Readers seems like a smart way to mine a content idea from a point made in this blog post. We can always break down one content idea into more content ideas but the trick is to read, to write and to gain confidence in expanding one idea into an entire blog post, via your creativity.
Do you fear being criticized for your blog post ideas? Some prove to be lightning rods of controversy. If so, buy my eBook:
How to Turn Harsh Blogging Criticism into Sweet Blogging Profits: 11 Tips
Hi, Ryan,
Good reading your post today.
The writer’s block days are over, now there is more to handle in a day than I can imagine.
Recently, though from a more technical point, I used Google trend a lot to discover what people are actually reading or want to learn more about. It is a powerful tool for discovering what’s trending at the moment, producing timely content that meets people at the point of needs.
With this tool, there is no shortage of content ideas, you’re only limited by your own imagination.
Thanks, Ryan, nice read.
Shamsudeen, I have heard the same thing about Google Trends buddy. Noted brother. Thanks much.