Blogging Consistency: Outrageous Ideas To help You Never Quit Blogging

Is blogging that hard-hitting one?

Fingers crossed.

Blogging takes time and hard work. But, that doesn’t mean it is difficult. For somebody who loves building relationships, blogging is simple.

Despite it becomes odd and frustrating if you are impassionate.

What do I mean as blogging consistency?

With the abundant resources available over the web, you know how to start a blog, produce content, and its promotions.


You have all the possibilities to become a blogger. But are you successful?

You have no control over how your life goes. Homey stuff, kids, vocations or anything. No excuses take a break. After a month, you are likely to publish a breathtaking post on your blog. No one reads. Lost your readership?

Yes, there are other consistent bloggers to render what they need. Those can fill your space.

Indeed, blogging is something easy to start, but it may be quite hard to bring it up. So, blogging is easy if you are consistent and really passionate about.

Are you struggling to blog consistently? You believe it or not; there are a process and discipline behind blogging.

As days pass on, you will get to know how to overcome the blogging infirmities.  So, here are some of the ideas to take that stipulated time to realize blogging is painless. Indeed, these are essential things to do to keep up blogging.

Consistency is the key: Be a successful blogger

You don’t be a successful blogger overnight though. Still, with these ideas, you will feel better to blog with enthusiasm.

#1 Determine goals

Setting goals can help you make blogging a little easier. No matter, it’s big or small. Goal setting can bring the desire to achieve. A small notebook can help you with this.

Split your blogging goals for every day, week, month, and year; and even for a lifetime.

Make plans in all aspects of blogging. It may be either your content strategy, social promotions, or anything.  Fix the deadline and strive to work towards it. Let it be like a burning fire to achieve your targets within the stipulated time.

I never wanted to accept my failures unless I fix it. Let the goals be reminding you all the way. So, you don’t be idle until you accomplish it.

#2 Find inspirations

I find a countless number of consistent bloggers out there in the industry. Those are the inspirations; may be either Neil Patel or Ryan Biddulph or Darren Rowse, or whomsoever.

Whenever you feel down, check out their blogging stuff and strategy. You will be energized. It’s a kind of motivation to drive spirit in you. Don’t give it up. Stay focused.

#3 Organize & prioritize tasks

How do you design your day for blogging? It may be just an hour a day. But, set it aside for blogging alone. Don’t encourage other chores that might distract you.

From small email co-ordinations to social pages scrolling, it’s on your list of blogging tasks. So, it’s essential to prioritize. A study shows that nonwork-related internet surfing can even result in 40% productivity loss.

So, make sure to be as productive as possible. No one can stop you from succeeding.

Whenever you make a list of blogging tasks for the day – split it into two: essential and non-essential tasks. Work accordingly.

Even a few seconds, you spent on something that is not listed will end up in productivity loss. Take that in to account to estimate how much time you are wasting. Also, it can help you to set time for those chores the next day.

#4 Read every day

Expert bloggers are always good learners. They are likely to keep their reading scanners on the mission.

As a human, you are likely to be a friend of as much as bloggers you admire.  Always there is a boss ahead. Learn things from every individual you inspire.

Keep following the pro bloggers and reading their articles to spruce up your knowledge. You will also realize how smart bloggers are effective in making their content easy to digest for their audience.

Why don’t you doing so?

#5 Write on the go

A good writer must be carrying a notepad wherever they go. It may be a coffee shop or seashore. Whenever you get ideas, jot it down. This is the way you can utilize any spare time to toil for blogging. Also, this shows your dedication. Once you got this sincerity, you can’t stop blogging.

Whether you publish every day or not, make writing a habit. As much as you write, your content style and quality will get matured. Writing is the one that can help you greatly to blog consistently. Once you set yourself to write 1,000 words a day, you are likely to be consistent in blogging.

Find your perfect time for writing; it may be morning 10.100 AM or midnight. No distractions. Meanwhile, there is no hard rule that you must write an article from the start to end at a single shot.

Make yourself comfortable in writing whenever inspiration strikes or idea hits.

#6 Blog via phones

I know, you are smarter all the time, with your phone. You may use Google Docs, the cloud-based platform that allows you to access files and folders via desktop and mobile phones.

Whenever I find some leisure time, I will do blog comments, social posts, comments reply, tasks allocation, and even more stuffs with my phone.

Of course, mobile phones are not suitable for some specific purposes like analytics, researching, etc. I will make a note of such chores, thereby. When I get access to my desktop, I will take care of those.

It shows how passionate and excited you are towards blogging stuff.

#7 Automate publishing tasks

Unless or until you bring your write-ups to the public, it makes nothing. To make it more diligent, you need a proper schedule in publishing blog posts. Proper scheduling can keep you committed to complete the content creation before time. So, consistency comes true when you are on time to publish your blog posts as scheduled.

Especially when you automate your publishing schedule, you got a drive. You will never skip or screw up the posting schedule for reasons.

Let’s Take Off

Indeed, blogging takes more work; even you do it right. But, it is never a hardcore task for passionate bloggers. Still, why so many people give up blogging? Lack of dedication and inconsistency leads them to drop out.

It’s all about being sportive in finding friends and broadcasting your great ideas. With proper preparation and patience, you can be more productive. Once you started to find yourself dynamic, you will love blogging as your profession and live with it.

You will never quit blogging.

Share if any such blogging blocks you come across? Or still, you struggle to overcome any blogging inconsistency. Let’s together resolve it.

by Aaron
Aaron is the Owner and Author of this blog. He loves to help people to get success in their online ventures.

2 thoughts on “Blogging Consistency: Outrageous Ideas To help You Never Quit Blogging”

  1. Well said, Vishwajeet. Consistency plays a key role in building a great blog and trust with the audience.

    Constant reading, interaction with other influencers, learning, experimenting, keeping patience – all these efforts will pay off one day for sure.

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