I have observed bloggers waste minutes, hours and even days on tiny, non-essential, blogging details. Imagine how those days of detail-obsessing adds up over years? Imagine how many days you waste on silly stuff over a decade? The devil is in the details, but I say this from a devilish, problem-Esque, energy. Some tiny details make the difference between success and failure. MOST details are non-essential, not important and not critical to your overall blogging success.
For some odd reason, most bloggers spend way too much time on formatting details. Sure; using headers, paragraphs liberally and working italics and bolds, and bullet-point lists, can make a difference. But do readers stop reading your blog if you write a blog post without fancy formatting? Nope. Most read your blog format-free because people want words and knowledge and help, more than anything else. I do not suggest writing one, long block of text. At a minimum, use frequent paragraphs. But beware obsessing over blog post formatting because on a grand scale, formatting is a non-essential detail compared to actually knowing what you’re talking about, sharing immense knowledge with your readers. Imagine reading this post. If I use headers or not, you read the post, get massive value and save hours blogging-wise, not falling down the details vortex.
Do some folks stop reading this post because I use no headers? Probably, yes. But the best lesson you learn as a pro blogger is that you cannot make everybody happy. Plus, this percentage of folks is super small. Plus, you need to stick to the basics and sacrifice some details if you want to push the limits in your blogging niche. I could not sit here and spend 35 minutes on blog post formatting if I want to publish 10 or more posts daily between my blog and guest posts. Readers need simple, powerful, raw content from me more than an entirely gussied up, brilliantly formatted, number. Sometimes I do format. Most times, I do not. Few if any bloggers complain because they mostly want content from me. As long as its readable – ample paragraphs – they are good to go.
But again, most bloggers fall down the devilish details rabbit hole, getting sucked into that vortex for hours. Why? Fear. Attachment. Bloggers get attached to specific details then waste hours on issues like blog formatting, heat map analysis and the like. Guess what? Create help content generously. Make friends with fellow bloggers generously. Trust. Success will be yours. Success will find you if you give virtually all of your time to these awesome endeavors. But if you give way too much time to little blogging details, ignoring the fundamentals, you are guaranteed to struggle, stumble and fail. Your fault, guys. Hate to tell it to you.
Details can make a difference but details do not make THE difference. No blogger ever remained an amateur and struggled horribly to go pro because the said blogger did not format their blog posts all pretty. Bloggers struggle to go pro because bloggers do not spend virtually all of their time generously creating, connecting and trusting in the blogging process. Stop focusing on small blogging potatoes. Do focus on the big dawg activities of creating and connecting, uber critical to your blogging success.
Do you feel intimated by blogging while you ponder this gig, on the cyber sidelines? Aspiring bloggers have plenty of fears to face, feel and release, to dive into this game. I wrote an eBook to offer you sound tips for aspiring bloggers. To cut through these fears. Buy it here:
11 Proven Tips for Aspiring Bloggers
Oh my Gosh Ryan and Vishwajeet, I get lost in many details of blogging but I try not to let it hinder me from pushing the publish button. I find it’s best if I have my to do list with everyone. Then, I get more done and don’t get caught up in the details or on social media. Both can detour me quickly and at a great time suck. Thanks for the tips! I hope you are both well and safe!
Wow, does a to-do list make a difference. Big time. I need one these days, as things get more busy.