Love and fear.
Point blank guys, feeling the warm emotion of love then acting from that emotion for hundreds to thousands of hours leads to successful blogging. Full-time income? On the way. Count on it. Feel good. Have fun helping people. Be generous. Trust in yourself. Trust in the blogging process. Sweet success will flow your way.
But let’s swing the pendulum toward feeling the cold emotion of fear then acting from that emotion for hundreds to thousands of hours. A blog from scarcity. A blog from fear. Fail. Give up quickly. Bail. Quit. Think only about yourself, your stats, your metrics. Be inward-focused. Try to get something for nothing. Look for blogging short cuts. Try to manipulate people to give you money. Feel anger when thinking about your cheap, annoying, tire-kicking email list. Can you see why fear leads to failure? Sure you can. Perhaps you feel the fear right here, right now, and you want to know how to leave behind that frame of mind to create something fun, freeing and successful. Well; I have your answer. Love. Feel love. Show love. Spread love. Get lost in helping people. Get lost in serving people. Why do you think I write and publish 5 or more guest posts daily? Of course, a tiny part of me enjoys experiencing blogging success in so doing but I largely just have fun helping people. I love to help people so I seize opportunities to help people all day long. The formula for successful blogging seems simple enough to me; have loads of fun helping people, spend hundreds to thousands of hours getting lost in this process, slow down, calm down, trust in the successful blogging process and you shall succeed.
Why do bloggers choose fear over love? Why in the heck would you choose such a bad-feeling emotion? Fear feels comfortable. Even if fear feels miserable to experience, you choose to avoid the quick, intense, fear-hugging sessions required to feel the fear and to clear the way for a loving vibe, so you suffer, struggle and fail with blogging for years. Wouldn’t you rather feel really good after feeling a quick, intense, fast-moving burst of fear and wouldn’t you rather succeed with your blog after experiencing this emotion quickly, versus suffering and failing for years of your life, guys? You ain’t getting those years back. Passed time, becomes a past time when you think this one through.
Blogging from an energy of love leads to blogging success over the long haul and blogging from an energy of fear leads to failure over the long haul. Everything is on you; your choice, to blog from either love or fear. Blogging from the dominant energy of love makes the ride feel enjoyable but you need to largely put your desires, cravings and deep needs to the side to serve other people, first. Being generous is the most important aspect of doing things from an energy of love, joy, fun, and success. I feel like you are up to it, though. I know you are up to it. Otherwise, you’d not have read this far into the blog post 😉
Befriend and learn from loving, generous bloggers like Vishwajeet. He blogs with love. Follow his example. All of our success expands as we collectively lift the blogging niche from fear and scarcity to love and abundance. Doesn’t that sound awesome to ponder? Focus on love over fear and inspire other bloggers to do the same so we all experience increasing blogging success and enjoy the ride, too.
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How to Create and Publish a Successful eBook
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