Let Go of Your Blogging Past

I recall spending hours worrying about checking my email every morning. Past failures scared me. I ran into deep blogging struggles. Naturally, because I resisted fears fueling the struggles and refused to face, feel and release these emotions, the same fears arose again and again and each email checking session felt like torture to me. How much did I succeed being weighed down by the sheer terror of checking email? Not too much. How in the heck do you be generous, helpful, detached and trusting if you not so secretly feel terrified that you are going to lose all of your money, your good name, your physical possessions, and every worldly thing?

 Let Go of Your Blogging Past

I had to let go of my blogging past to be the blogger I am today. No one succeeds in being anchored down by fear. For example, I am on a late schedule now. Being up until between 2 AM and 4 AM, I sleep into 11 AM or noon, sometimes. I enjoy this schedule because it feels good, relaxing and peaceful to me. But this morning, I felt wide awake at 7 AM. Why? Who knows? Anyway, I exited bed, ate a pear for some nutritious energy and decided to write this guest post for Vishwajeet, for you guys and for me, on a few hours of sleep. Why? I feel motivated to serve you and think about you more than I want to toss and turn in bed, strictly for me. I only adopted this more selfless, outward thinking, the generous mindset of putting other people’s needs before my own by facing, feeling and releasing deep fears related to my blogging past. I had to face, feel and release painful fears of loss to let go the morning terror of checking my email, worrying nervously about what I’d see, expecting to see no traction, no growth, no opportunities, no profits.

I also had to feel, release and totally clear many deep fears related to my blogging campaign and life. Unpleasant, yes, but also liberating, this process made me generous, genuine, humble, largely detached and trusting in myself, and, trusting in the blogging process. Bloggers succeed by generously helping people for free, for thousands of hours. Skills, exposure, and cred increase after thousands of blogging hours but you only put in that work by being free of deep fears. One quick scan of the blog-o-sphere reveals few free themselves of these deep fears because most bloggers struggle and fail, being bound to the blogging past, all deep fears being firmly planted within. Let go past struggles. Let go past failures. Feel your fears. Cultivate habits of being generous, thinking outward of others before yourself and being patient, persistent and relentless in helping people, in promoting yourself and in seeing the blogging journey through.

I suggest a few things for you. Buy my blogging mindset eBook. Meditate daily. Do Kriya yoga daily. Build a gratitude list of all good things in blogging and life. Surround yourself with compassionate, successful bloggers. Face, feel and release deep fears. Fear binds you to the blogging past. Facing, feeling and releasing deep fears dissolves the bond. Free yourself from mental torture, agony, and sadness related to past blogging struggles, failure and quitting. Prep yourself to be generous, genuine and trusting in the blogging process. Blogging gets easier if you do the uncomfortable, unpleasant, hard work of facing, feeling and releasing fears regarding past blogging trauma. Put in the energetic work. Thank you now, and down the road. Every fear you face now accelerates your blogging success in dizzying fashion. Remember that to release past events and to prepare yourself for a successful, fun, fulfilling blogging journey.