14 Pro Bloggers Shares Tips on How to Become a Successful Blogger

Blogging is not that hard if you do it passionately. Many newbie bloggers have abandoned their blogs within a few months. I have received many emails and queries about how to become a successful blogger? In this post, 14 Pro bloggers have shared their experiences on how to become a successful blogger.

14 Pro Bloggers Shares Tips on How to Become a Successful Blogger

1. Anil Agarwal From Bloggerspassion

I’ve been blogging for more than 15 years now. Along the way, I’ve made a ton of mistakes and learned a few lessons. Here are a few solid tips for anyone who wants to become a successful blogger.

*Create a vision. Most beginners quit within a few months because most of them lack a clear vision. Aim for long term results as blogging is not a get rich quick scheme.

*Be consistent. No matter how talented you are or how many skills you have, if you’re inconsistent, you’ll never become a successful blogger. Consistent beats talent.

*Build relationships with other bloggers. Link out to them. Share their contents frequently as Vishwajeet does. It builds a solid relationship. Successful blogging is all about building a strong network.

*Invest money. Most people don’t spend any money as they always look out for free hosting, free tools, free themes, etc. When you always go for free stuff, you don’t take anything seriously. If you spend money on something, you’ll value it and spend more time developing your blog.

*Learn SEO as it plays a key role. If you want to build a successful blog, you need more traffic from search engines. Learn SEO basics like keyword research, optimization, site audits, etc.

*Above all, don’t QUIT. Every professional blogger once was a beginner. Always remember that. Aim big, start small and act now.

2. Mudassir Ahmed From Nettyfeed

Any job that pays you, requires a specific set of skills. Blogging is no exception.

Here are my top tips to becoming a successful blogger:

1. Make priorities

Most of us are full-time job holders and hardly push 2-3 hours in a day for blogging. That’s okay, but what are those 3 hours be like?

Is it just like a routine blog post writing or do you consider that time as precious to build your blogging business?

You will need to opt to write a serious blog post hoping that it would help others and rank on Google. Or spend the time reading a few new blog posts and dropping comments on them. Or at least share others’ content to your social media feed.

Put your 110% commitment and work hard with patience before expecting great results. There’s no substitute for that.

2. Fall in love with SEO


To drive more traffic


To increase our chances of conversion and sales.

Learning helps. But learning with love? It makes you an expert, eventually. Nothing is difficult for an expert.

Here are some SEO tips I learned:

  • Don’t hesitate to invest money for a reliable host like SiteGround.
  • Ensure your blog is user-friendly and optimize on-page factors.
  • Follow content regularly on Moz, Ahrefs, and SEMrush and put yourself in the pace of SEO.
  • Without top-notch content, there is nothing for you to promote and build backlinks for. So invest a good amount of time creating content and building backlinks.
  • Learn how to optimize your content for search engines as well as readers at the same time.
    Be your own reader – Read your blog content as a common user and see if there are any areas you could improve.
  • Build an email list. It is no hard as you think – All easy with this tool called Mailer Lite.
  • Use Quora and Pinterest to drive some sweet traffic.
  • See what is working for others and implement for your blog using the SEO tool – SEMrush.

Make sure you spend time building blogging relationships on social media and get the word out to as many people as you could.

3. Master the skill called “Writing”

Learn Good Writing – By that, I don’t mean writing content without errors using Grammarly. By good writing, I mean writing content that is easy to read, entertaining, informative and inspiring and easy to consume.

You can still draft a guide on a common topic like “how to start a business” and make for the 1st position on Google. It happens only when you create 10x unique content than the competitors and stand out. And that good writing comes when you practice it often.

Articulating your knowledge to help and inspire readers is the one damn skill I want you to master as soon as possible. If you know good writing, you are already successful and could make tons of money just through Freelance writing.

That’s all from me for now!

I wish you all good for your blogging.

3. Ryan K Biddulph From Bloggingfromparadise

Follow your passion. Create and connect generously. Trust in yourself. Trust in the blogging process. Success is a mindset. Practical blogging tips matter some but should be followed from a more generic approach. Some build lists and succeed.

Some do not. Never get lost in specific practical blogging tips because the craftsperson, not their tools, determines their level of success. Tools are just tools. Strategies are just strategies. Bloggers who patiently and persistently practice following specific tactics simply succeed.

Keep exiting your comfort zone and facing fear. Success sits on the other side of fear. Success is well outside of your comfort zone. Create content through your blog and through video and podcasts, but keep testing your fears in the process. Feels uncomfortable, right? Good! Welcome to laying the foundation for a successful blogging career. Success is nudging, edging, being pulled forward, for thousands of hours. That’s it.

See the journey through. Expect to spend thousands and thousands of hours generously creating and connecting. This is why you need to love blogging. You’re gonna be doing it for a long time!

4. Gaurav Kumar From eAskme

With 600 million blogs running worldwide, it is not easy to find your place in the blogging world. But you can still make your count and establish it as a brand if you choose the right path.

To become a successful blogger, you need these things;
Habit of Research
Passion for reading and writing
Skill to trigger emotions
Understanding the target market or industry.

Your habit of research will compel you to dig deeper and uncover the essential but less talked topics or old topics on the web. You can collect that data, filter it, and create content that will make others visit the post more than once.

The more you read, the more you learn, and the more effectively you can write. Reading habits will make you an expert writer in the areas where you were like a blank paper a few days back.

Before you start writing answer this;
Why should you write about it?
Who wants to read it or how it can help others?

If you have the answer, then you should create the content that answers every single query related to that topic. This will not only increase the word count but, more importantly, increase the number of people who want to read your article and chances to rank higher in SERP.

Without triggering emotions, your content will not convert the reader into a subscriber or customer. You need to how to understand how, when, and where you should connect with readers mindset. You can do it by creating headlines that compel people to click and visit the article. This will increase CTR. Emotional and engage-able content is vital to growing your email list and social shares.

Understand your industry:

A blogger cannot grow or become successful without understanding the niche market. Not only you need t to understand the potential but also how you can build and outrank others. This also includes promotional strategies, social media strategies, and customer outreach.

Master these four and industry will “REMEMBER YOUR NAME.”

5. Chayan Chakrabarti From Simplefactsonline

First of all, thanks a lot for considering me in this list with may awesome bloggers. I do not say much about success online because I believe that success is momentary, and it is fragile at times. Success adds responsibilities and creates expectations, and if we do not replicate the same. We will see a different response altogether.

So how did I manage to establish my authority in such a short span of my authority blogging career? It’s simple; I decided to celebrate the blogging journey. When you are new to blogging, then you will be making a lot of mistakes when you start. No matter how prepared you are, you will need help. And who will you ask the help? Another blogger, of course, who is there in the blogging space for some time.

But even after getting a lot of support and asking n number of questions, a new blogger is clueless. Do you know why? Because most of them are starting their first blog, and they all have downloaded enough information, and they have not started taking action yet. I consider myself lucky to being around with so many pro bloggers when I started. I received generous help from all the bloggers. I started outreach bloggers sharing my reason behind starting my blog and what is my long term goal.

So each time, I shared these with other professionals, I got values. It helped me to create new strategies for my blog. In 2020, you can’t blog alone. And if you are starting your first blog in 2020 and want to scale it first. Then you have to have to do networking. You have to show your continuous improvements, and eventually, you will get what you deserve. You also have to be polite and courteous to others. Genuinely help others to get more help. Make sure you are putting quality content regularly. Along with that, you are building quality links and acquiring enough social shares. That’s it—all the best for your blogging career.

6. Umer Qureshi From Guideblogging

Want to become a successful blogger?

If your answer is “YES,” then read this till then the end because being a successful blogger is need remarkable efforts.

And In this part, I’m going to share some tips which help me to become a successful blogger at the age of 15.

So let’s move on the tips which help you to become a successful blogger at any age.

Don’t miss any opportunity – The reason why most of the bloggers being successful is that they don’t miss any single opportunity that comes there way.

and, That’s the tip which also helps me to become a successful blogger because I don’t miss any opportunity come my way,

At the starting of GuideBlogging, I don’t know how I can grow my brand, but when I start publishing the content so many people start appreciating it,

and, Because of that, I start getting some text interview opportunity, and want to know what I did?

I just grabbed the opportunity, which helps me to grow my brand quickly. So, If you also started your new blog, then you must try to don’t miss any opportunity.

Patience Is The Key To Success – I think you heard this many time and to be very honest,

This thing helps you a lot If you want to become a successful blogger and,

In my blogging journey, Patience is the big thing because as a kid, I’m a curious guy so when I started blogging so I think I also get success within 4-6 months but,

This thing can’t happen, and you can’t believe it that I earned my first dollar after hustling 1.5 Years.

And Believe me, If you win the patience game, then no one can stop you from becoming a successful blogger in 2020.

Talk To Your Audience Like A Friend – If you want to build a real audience, then you have to talk to your audience like a friend and,

Also, you have to help them as a friend through your content, which allows you to build trust, and automatically you can generate sales through your audience.

And This is the same thing I applied in my blog to get remarkable conversion through my articles, emails, and video content.

Investing In Learning – This an essential thing which helps you to become a most successful blogger within a short period,

Umer, is this true? (Maybe you are thinking like this)

Yes, My friend, Investing in yourself or learning always helps you to become a person that you desire.

And I know this thing very well because two years back, I’m that guy who afraid to invest the money in there self.

But, The day when I start investing the money in my learning, I start growing so,

If you want to be a successful blogger, then you must follow this one tip, which helps you to change your mindset.

So, Yeah that’s it, These are some tips I want to give you, which help you to become a successful blogger.

7. Navin Rao From NavinRao

Thanks for the Invite Vishwajeet for this roundup Interview and allowing me to share my thoughts on How to Become a Successful Blogger.

Certainly, anyone can not be a successful blogger. We see bloggers starting their journey and quits in no time. There are many reasons behind that, it’s not just because they couldn’t succeed on the path to make money.

I would say a lack of determination.

Certainly, there are important qualities one should have to taste that success.

Patience – If you have it, it doesn’t matter what area either blogging or something else, success has to come. I am not trying to be philosophical here, better a known fact which most of the amateur bloggers don’t follow.

Work on Your Writing Skills – Research the internet, every successful blogger has some unique style of writing. And that is what makes them stand out from the rest and memorable. Learn the art of writing, before dreaming amount becoming successful into the blogging arena.

Hunger to Learn – In this BlogoSphere, every day is a new day. You should have the desire to learn every day at least one thing. Successful bloggers always focus on learning and developing their skill-set throughout their journey.

Work Hard, but Smartly – Well, there is no shortcut to become successful. A blogger needs to work hard continuously to make a rock-solid blog and increase its revenue. When I say smartly, it means your hard work should have a goal, strategically to hit the bulls-eye. And let the creativity flow to scale the blog.

Start marking Some Investment – Well, you need to make some investment to make money and become a successful blogger. Get a good theme, tools required to complete your daily tasks. Automate and save time.

Monetization – Your blog shouldn’t be monetized with one method. It should earn from multiple sources, Ads, Affiliates, Sponsorship, Product reviews and more. Optimize your blog accordingly.

I would say, these are few ground rules every blogger should follow to make their blog successful.

Last but not learn Discipline and Professionalism matters a lot.

8. Istiak Rayhan From Roadtoblogging

When it comes to becoming a successful blogger, the first thing we need to understand how we define success. It is not always about making money. If you can make impacts through blogging, you are a successful blogger.

Let us see a quote by Darren Rowse (Problogger) –

“Blog feel small? If you have just one reader and your blog changes their life your blog is big enough.”

Having said that, it’s crucial to make money from your blog to continue your blogging journey.

Here are some tips for becoming a successful blogger –

  • Develop your writing skills.
  • Blog consistently.
  • Build relationships with readers and other bloggers.
  • Be creative.
  • Understand your audience.
  • Monetize your blog from Day 1.
  • Do testings.
  • Don’t stick with one niche.

9. Swadhin Agrawal From DigitalGYD

If you’re building a successful blogging business or want to be a successful blogger you need to follow what I termed as “LIIS Model”.

This is a model I created and have been using to help bloggers become successful at what they do. It stands for Learn, Implement (or take action), Invest Back and Scale.

1. Learn: Being passionate is not enough, in order to grow faster you have to learn your craft. All the basic information for you to get started is available for free. Various free blogging courses are available (search for Ahref’s blogging course) on YouTube and there are so many successful blogs that talk about how to get started with blogging. Learn from them. Another tip would be to learn faster because time is crucial here.

2. Implement: You need to test and implement the things you learn while you’re learning itself. Knowledge without action is a waste of time. Overcome your fear of failures and start your own blog. This step of implementation will bring new challenges and will push you again to stage #1 where you will learn how to maintain a blog.

3. Invest Back: In order to become a successful blogger, you need to invest back in your blogging business. Consider your blog as a hobby and it will always be a hobby. Consider your blog as a business and you will soon see returns. Many pro bloggers invest back heavily into their blogging business. You can get professional themes, hosting, tools, courses (to hone your skills further), outsource work, etc.

4. Scale: After you’ve done the above three things you can think about scaling your business. At this moment you have a clear idea of what’s working and what’s not. You also know what your skill sets are and where you’re lacking. Use this information to build a team, automate processes and build multiple businesses based on what’s already been working for you. Also, don’t hesitate to try out new things that can help you grow your avenues.

I think these four principles can help you become a successful blogger. I know because I’ve done it and this is the summary of what I’ve learned over the years and I know it works.

However, don’t take this as a mold, the beauty of blogging or any business, in general, is to try things out and formulate your own way to success. So, have a healthy mix of both of them.

10. Nikola Roza From NikolaRoza

I have 3 tips for you on how to become a successful blogger

#1- Be willing to learn and grow

To become a successful blogger and own a money-making blog, you will need to learn and develop new skills and talents. There’s just no way around it. Even if you intend to outsource everything in the future, you will still have to master it so you can really then understand what it is you’re outsourcing.

So, get ready to buckle down for the long haul!

#2- Be willing to unlearn what you previously learned, what you thought you knew

SEO changes all the time and what’s working now might not tomorrow, and a day after tomorrow it could hurt your blog, instead of help it grow.

So understand that you will have to change your beliefs about how SEO works and learn to live with it. I can tell you right now from ample experience- it ain’t easy.

#3- Be willing to connect with other bloggers.

No blogger who’s successful has been able to do it alone, without the help of others. No one. Instead, they all bonded with their fellow bloggers and helped them without expecting anything in return and in return they did get something. They did get helped and as a result of it all they- they grew their blogs.

#4- Be willing to spend some cash upfront

Treat blogging as an investment. Your blog is like your child. In the beginning, you have to nurture it when it’s weak so that when it all grown up it can take care of you and take care of you good.

In fact, one of the key differences, if not the most important one, is that successful blogger treats their blogs as a business and investment of time, energy and money. While unsuccessful bloggers try to do it all for free and hate spending money on their websites.

And then later they complain they never see success.

Follow these 4 sage tips and you’ll go far, I promise!

11. Sumit Sao From BloggingLift

If you want to be a successful blogger then the very first thing I’ll suggest you is that treat your blog like a business. Believe me, it’s pure business.

And we all know that to grow our business we have to invest in it. So, invest your money cleverly in the right things.

Here are some tips which will help you be a successful blogger:

#1. Invest your money at least in some good courses (to learn new strategies), premium themes, plugins, and a good web hosting.

#2. Convert your traffic into your audience by offering anything for free in return of their email address and after that provide them with some valuable content for free to build trust. It’s very important because as we all know that trust plays an important role in affiliate marketing. If your audience trust you then they will definitely purchase the product your recommend.

So, build your audience and invest your money on your blog to be a successful blogger.

12. Saurabh Tiwari From Techibhai

Whether I am a successful blogger or not, but during my 6 years of blogging experience, I have found resources and tips useful.

The greatest problem most new blogger has that is – “the runway syndrome” — They give-up quickly.

The first thing you really must train yourself to do if you want to have a fighting chance of making it as a blogger and other things planning, smart decision making and strategic moves.

Here are Powerful Steps you should follow to become a Successful Blogger

  • Develop an editorial blogging plan for the whole month
  • Define your goals and audience
  • Write 10x better fresh content than your competitors
  • Try to publish your posts with constancy
  • You should master the Advanced SEO techniques
  • Start Sharing content on popular platforms include Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and others (I also use tools like ViralContentBee, Bizsugar, Growth hacker community and Triberr to reach more people and amplify my audience.)
  • Start networking with other professional bloggers (Join blogging Facebook groups, attend the local event)

You can’t be a successful blogger if you expecting Google ranking in a single day, or want to make money in starting Phase and that too without experimenting on your own. The most important of all is patience and experiment.

13. Santanu Debnath From BloggingJoy

Thanks for inviting me to your blog. I believe the definition of success varies. E.g. some people consider them successful bloggers when they start earning a huge amount of money, but there are many others, like me, who are happy to create a side hustle through blogging.

There is no doubt that until you generate enough financial dependency through your passion, you can’t fully rely on that. And it is true for blogging as well. But to reach up to that level in blogging, one must follow certain rules.

Blogging needs a lot of patience & focus. It is not a get rich quick scheme. Have the patience to learn more, face the failures and learn from your own mistakes.

If you don’t know what your passion is, you can’t blog for a long time and get success. So, find out what you want to do from your heart.

You should have your voice so that people come to your blog to explore your point of view on a similar topic. I believe that is a good signal towards a successful blogging journey.

You should have your way to explain things in a simpler way so that people can understand easily. Try to become the SME (Subject Matter Expert) in any category.

You should have the character to make friends, help others and build a network of like-minded people. Because without the support of others, you can’t get success in blogging.

Blogging is a process that needs a lot of time, dedication and focus. The more time you give, you will find out the true flavor of Blogging. And gradually you will be able to live the life of a blogger where you can earn enough money and also share useful content for your readers. This is the right way to become a successful blogger.

14. Tushar Dey From Makesuccessonline

If you want to become a successful blogger then you have to accept one thing:

Blogging is not a quick money-making scheme. It takes months and years to become a successful blogger and if you have the patience then only you can win this race.

Majority of the bloggers fail to become a successful blogger because they don’t have patience.

Most people think they can easily make money within 3 months of starting blogging but the reality is totally different.
Let me share with you my story when I started my career. Even at the beginning, I thought I can easily make thousands of dollars within a few months.

I started my blog with this dream. And guess what? I didn’t make a single penny.
I was very depressed. I thought blogging is totally a scam.

But I don’t know why (maybe because of my passion) but I started again.

Do you think this time I got success?

No way…

I failed again.

The same thing again happened for the 3rd time. But by that time, I decided…

Doesn’t matter how many time I lose but still, I won’t give up.

Again I started another blog and this time I started seeing some good results.

Long story short:

If you want to become a successful blogger then you have to keep patience.

Blogging is not a short term game.
At last, I want to give you four rules that will help you to become a successful blogger:
Rule no 1. Learn something new about blogging every day.
Rule no 2. Implement your learning.
Rule no 3. Write blog posts that really help people.
Rule no 4. Keep patience.
If you follow these four rules then no one can stop you to become a successful blogger.

Here are the 14 Bloggers who have shared their experiences on how to become a successful blogger. All of them are My Good Friends and I am really thankful to all of them to participate in this post.  They have always helped me and encourage me to do the best with my blog.

If you are a newbie then this post might help you to understand the whole concept of blogging and how to become successful in it. If you like the post, don’t forget to share it with your friends.

by Aaron
Aaron is the Owner and Author of this blog. He loves to help people to get success in their online ventures.

39 thoughts on “14 Pro Bloggers Shares Tips on How to Become a Successful Blogger”

  1. Hi Vishwajeet,
    Thanks a lot for including me in this awesome round up post.

  2. Hi bro! Thanks for this amazing blogger list, I’m pretty much optimistic that this going gonna helpful for most newbie bloggers.

  3. Hi, there

    Thanks for compiling such list and providing such useful information. I really got value and I have seen the importance of starting out passionately.

    Had a good read

  4. This is highly insights-packed roundup post. I must appreciate you, Vishwajeet, for the time and energy you put to assemble this great information for the readers.
    I’m so glad to be included in this list, besides these lovely bloggers and to share my thoughts. I’ve already learning all the insights from each individual and see if I could implement any.
    Thanks for putting this together and congrats to your new great blog design, it’s cool!
    Have a great day!

  5. Great roundup Vishwajeet. Its always great to listen bloggers point of view on some extra ordinary topics like this. When, we say successful, it needs wide range of qualities. Improving the Skills what convert a blogger into professional and successful blogger.

    Thanks for conducting such a amazing roundup and bringing all of them under one roof. Happy to share my thoughts through this roundup too. Certainly a great read.

    • Hello Navin,

      Thanks for accepting my invitation for this roundup and make it useful for the readers. Yes, Blogging needs lots of effort, patience, and hard work. We need to work on this to become a successful blogger. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Vishwajeet Kumar

  6. I believe in what Santanu says ” Being passionate about what you are blogging” and getting your niche. one tip about scaling was interesting for me, on a whole this is a masterpiece, Lot of real-life experience in one page. For me things started working when I started creating an email list for my diabetes blog. how many of you are building your email list?

  7. Hello Vishwajeet..
    All these people became famous. But I will pray to God that you and us like this ever came on such a list.
    So keep it up ?.

    Thanks and best regards
    Vishal Meena.

  8. Hi Vishwajeet,
    You share those bloggers who is successful, I am following them to get some idea and motivations.
    Your article is amazing…
    Thank you

  9. Hi Vishwajeet,

    Thanks brother. I literally know every one of these awesome bloggers personally. Cool blogging buddies. See the journey through, be generous, put in work and time and you will succeed.


  10. Hi Vish,
    Good to be here today, indeed as Anil said a good Roundup post.
    Keep up the good work.
    Keep sharing
    Best Regards
    ~ Philip

  11. Such a wonderful round up with lots of values.
    When it comes to blogging, these guys are gems literally.
    If a person wants to start a blog then it is difficult to find the right information and can be confused soon, but that time posts like this prove to be helping hand.
    Thanks Vishwajeet

  12. Wonderful roundup, Vishwajeet.
    I enjoyed reading the thoughts of all 13 bloggers, featured next to me.
    Thanks a lot for inviting me to contribute my 2c.
    I’m honored.

  13. Hi VK,
    First thing foremost, I must commend you for doing a great work to select these people. They’re respected people in the industry, not only in India. I’m from Nigeria, and I want you to know that we talk about these people every time for the knowledge they impact on us here. They are all diligent.
    I have read this post, it is full of great wisdom. I don’t know how someone would read this till the end and he won’t be counting money within his first 30 days of starting a blog. The most important thing is, if what these men advised is implemented, there would many successful bloggers.
    Thank you once again.

  14. Great Roundup Article.thank you so much for sharing this awesome roundup posts. It’s very much inspiring for small bloggers like me.

  15. HI Vishwajeet,

    This is the best expert roundup I have read in a while. I am familiar with most of the bloggers on this list. They all gave important points to become a successful blogger. I especially love the point my friend Mudassir stated. Willing to some more of this.

    • Hello Folajomi,

      Glad you like the roundup post. All of them are my best friend and blogging buddies. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

      Vishwajeet Kumar

  16. Hi, I just want to say thanks to you for sharing informative articles like this. I love to read the article on this site. This is one of my favorite websites to learn. Thanks for sharing the article like this for free and kee it up.

  17. Amazing information sir. I’m a new blogger after reading this article I got confidence that I will also one day become a successful blogger. Thank You so much for this wonderful information. Have a Good Day.

  18. Hi dear,
    Thank you for this kind informaton. I am also a blogger and i also believe that one day i will become a successful blogger..Thanks for your post

  19. its really amazing to see all pro-blogger in one place.
    Vishwajeet Bhai, you really did a great job… keep doing it..

    BTW my favorite Pro bloggers are Umer Bhai and Anil Aggarwal sir.

  20. Thanks for sharing great piece Vishwajeet,

    I am truly inspired by Umer and Sumit

    Too young but highly passionate and successful bloggers. Just recently checked and now Umer’s blog is getting 50K monthly traffic, that’s insane.

  21. Very inspiration blog post. I am always looking for inspiration when I am working on my blog. This is the perfect post for motivating me. Thanks for the hard work in creating this piece of content.

  22. Hey Vishwajeet,

    That’s some inspiration for today.
    Looking at you guys makes us new bloggers work harder towards our destination.


  23. Thanks, Vishwajeet
    You really worked amazingly to bring all the inspiring bloggers under one umbrella.


  24. Hey Aaron,

    What an excellent post. This is something perfect, I was looking for so long. I congratulate you deeply. Your post contain a complete information and all the amazing tips necessary for becoming a successful bloggers. This content was surely insightful and the list of bloggers shared by you are the real gems of this field. Thank you so much for sharing such an amazing article. Keep sharing!
    Have a good day ahead!


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