Where Can You Find Good Bloggers to Follow?

Good question, right?

Who do you trust?

Blogging feels exciting and confusing sometimes. Loads of information flood your senses. Among information, you learn of a few bloggers on your radar screen. Some seem trustworthy enough but who should you actually follow, learn from and choose as a blogging mentor?

Where Can You Find Good Bloggers to Follow

I want to share a few tips for following blogging mentors. Picking proper mentors accelerates your blogging success in an awesome way. Pros know how to succeed. Follow their advice to succeed too.

1: Buy an eBook

I wrote an eBook to make your life easier.

Buying my eBook gives you a list of 27 successful bloggers to follow:

27 Influential Bloggers You Need to Follow

Access resources to gain a list of bloggers to follow. Pros know who to follow. Pros offer you their experience through their research. Take advantage of their research. Buy an eBook listing influential bloggers.

2: Google Niche Keywords

More likely than not, Googling niche keywords tells you bloggers to follow. Google “blogging”. Guys like Neil Patel, Zac Johnson and Darren Rowse likely sniff close to page 1 if not being on page 1 themselves. Search keywords related to your niche. List 5 or 10 keywords to be thorough. Scan the blog posts you see on page 1. What do you see? What bloggers feel genuine, generous and compassionate? Listen to them talk on video. Get accustomed with them. Read their about page. Get comfortable with these bloggers.

Choose your mentor by doing your homework through Google.

3: Follow Your Heart and Head

Seeing bloggers from my eBook and Google forms an initial list of bloggers to follow. Possible mentors need to be weeded down to a few in order to prevent cross currents of trying to follow too many bloggers simultaneously. Listen to your heart and head to find the right mentors for you.

Follow Your Heart

Follow your blogging heart by observing compassionate, loving mentors in action. Some skilled bloggers know their stuff but lack empathy, compassion and that warmness you want in blogging teachers. I definitely lay down the blogging law at times with tough love but I do love my followers and genuinely care for you. Seek this quality in mentors to follow. Learning from compassionate people helps you be incredibly successful yourself, because generous people prosper mightily.

Follow Your Head

Bloggers need to be skilled to be follow-worthy. Someone may bleed compassion but they need to know what they are talking about. Scan blogger’s blogs. See what they offer content-wise. Do you see value? Does the person know what they are talking about? Free and premium content speaks volumes in this regard. Listen to their podcast. Follow their videos on YouTube. Read their blog posts. Read their eBooks. If you see they know their stuff and if their teaching style works for you, follow these pros.

What About Specific Locations?

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn all yield rocking bloggers. Do not get attached to any platform or location. But do zero in on suggestions from top bloggers and Google. Trusted sources nudge you in the proper direction. Your job is to patiently do due diligence on your watch list of mentors to follow. Be thorough. Do not try to follow 10 or 15 pros because confusion reigns. Imagine trying to learn 15 different blogging strategies? Insanity. Avoid those chaotic blogging cross currents.

Pick 2-3 top bloggers to follow as mentors. Learn from these pros. Take notes. Follow their advice. Prosper.

by Ryan Biddulph
Ryan Biddulph inspires you with his courses, 100 plus eBooks, audio books and blog at Blogging From Paradise.

3 thoughts on “Where Can You Find Good Bloggers to Follow?”

  1. Hi Ryan,

    Love your book where to find top bloggers 🙂 Your advice here is so true. Find a few top bloggers to follow and learn from them. Being a blogger isn’t just putting out content. Rather it is learning every day. Even the most seasoned bloggers will tell you that one. Following top bloggers, especially in your niche, will enhance more than your writing skills, but open up your mind to the various ways to communicate with others.


  2. Hi Ryan,

    This reminds me of my early days starting a blog.

    I followed Yaro and Darren’s blogs religiously and will ever be indebted to these two pro bloggers. I learned a lot reading these two blogs. And from there, I discovered some other worthy blogs too.

    But sometimes, one just needs to be careful who you follow and what type of advice you take from pro bloggers. This is because he is far ahead of you (in every sense of it) some of the advice might not be good for a beginner current status, experience level, resources, etc.

    Thanks, Ryan, nice read.

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