Do You Give a Maximum Blogging Effort Daily?

I scheduled a few hours tonight for watching a basketball game. But the team I am pulling for was putting out an awful effort; they do not even care if they win or lose, playing poor defense, being lazy, showing no heart. What did I do? Turn the game off. Borderline disgusts me because I am about putting a 1000% effort in all you do.

I do not mean pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion, sickness and madness, guys. I just mean putting all of your attention, energy and heart into blogging every single day.  Nobody needs to work themselves to the bone to put in a maximum blogging effort but you need to allow most of your day to be consumed by having fun helping people, by promoting yourself and by patiently and persistently opening multiple streams of income. No way should you leave anything on the table. Of course, putting forth a horrible, lifeless, heartless effort is disgraceful, dishonoring you and your audience. Be honest with yourself. Be straight with yourself.

How many hours did you put into blogging today? How many people did you help today? How many blog posts did you write and publish? How many bloggers did you promote? What did you do today to put in a maximum effort? How frequently did you leave your comfort zone? What did you give to blogging today? I swear; blogging is more about energy and effort than anything else. That is it. People who commit 100% to creating and connecting simply outlast everybody else, become successful, and lead their blogging niche of choice. This is a sustained effort type of game but you need to play to nudge into fears, be uncomfortable, and give it your all, no matter what.


The team I was following won in overtime! Guess what? This team turned up the effort 100% from when I turned off the game, a while ago. Do you see what positive, focused effort does for your chances at winning, hoops-wise and blogging-wise? Nobody wins regularly unless they commit 100% to their craft and that goes for any niche. Put it out there. Leave it all on the line. Know WHY you blog. For me, having fun and being free are my 2 favorite drivers, by far. I choose fun and freedom over fear; keeps me awake at 10 PM on a Saturday night, writing another guest post, spreading my reach and helping more folks. This is why I do what I do. This is why I give a full effort daily.

I do not have the talent of top bloggers, nor the writing skills, nor do I pay quite that much attention to details, but I simply do not give up and vowed to never be outworked by anybody, blogging-wise. So far, so good, with my blogging exploits. Putting in maximum effort will help you outlast so many bloggers who get lazy, lax and mail it in.


Blog commenting is such an underrated way to build bonds, to make friends, to outwork better known bloggers and to grow your traffic and profits. How do you comment effectively?

Buy my eBook to find out how:

How to Build an Online Empire through Blog Commenting

by Ryan Biddulph
Ryan Biddulph inspires you with his courses, 100 plus eBooks, audio books and blog at Blogging From Paradise.

1 thought on “Do You Give a Maximum Blogging Effort Daily?”

  1. Wow Ryan,

    Called me out! I could definitely be putting more energy into my blog and business.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

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