How Can You Write a Catchy Blog Title?

Blog titles reel in readers or repel readers. Or titles bore readers.

Titles serve as wrapping around your gift. Cool-looking wrapping definitely attracts folks to tear open your present. But bland, drab wrapping likely turns off folks, making gifts less appealing. Drilling deeper, blog post titles behave similarly to eBook or book titles. Folks tend to buy based on the title promise being the first element to pull readers to the eBook or book. Ditto for blog post titles. What made you read this post? Why did you click through? After reading the blog post title you had to learn more about how to write catchy, appealing titles. Perhaps seeing my name attached to the post and seeing the rocking blog of Vishwajeet played roles too. But the title pulled you in.

How can you write a catchy blog title?

How Can You Write a Catchy Blog Title

Solve Problems

I solved a specific problem via the post title. Bloggers struggle to write titles because many choke after writing a sweet blog post, feeling pressure to wrap the post up in an eye-catching title. Relax. Attractive titles need only be problem-solving titles. Ensure you solve a pressing problem suffered by readers in your niche. I am always thinking about common blogging titles based on common blogging problems. Match title and problem to appeal to your readers.

Fear Not Being Bold

I sometimes use bold words to reel in readers. Think power verbs or colorful adjectives to attract readers. Although crafting simple titles works well, creating eye-catching titles brimming with flavor, color and boldness paints an eye-catching picture for readers eager to gobble up your title and content. Let it all hang out. Do not be shy. Bold title creators fear not going out on a limb to enchant their audience and to increase both traffic and profits through creative title usage. Do not be afraid to take a chance. Employ verbs snapping people into action and use adjectives painting impossibly vivid pictures to make your titles attractive. Fear not being bold to drive more people to your blog, goading readers to click titles.

Observe Titles from Top Niche Blogs

Top bloggers in your niche reach the top for a good reason. Pay close attention to these pros. Study their title usage. Never copy titles outright but feel free to use similar titles to draw in readers freely. I scan top blogging tips blogs from time to time to better connect with my readers through effective title selection. If top blogging tips bloggers create these titles I would be wise to use similar titles or to at least discerning inspiration from these titles. Learn from the best. Study the best. But be sure to put your own twist on these titles because copying ideas from pros get you nowhere.


Sometimes, you surprise yourself. I wrote a few titles feeling like alleged stinkers over the years, only to surprise me when said alleged stinkers drove serious blog traffic to me. You never know what title inspires people to click through. Experiment, test, tweak and observe how your audience responds – or does not respond – to blog post titles. Every reader and audience behaves differently so study click rates and reader feedback to best pinpoint the ideal blog post titles for your audience.


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by Ryan Biddulph
Ryan Biddulph inspires you with his courses, 100 plus eBooks, audio books and blog at Blogging From Paradise.

4 thoughts on “How Can You Write a Catchy Blog Title?”

  1. Hey Ryan Biddulph ,

    Great post as usual. You have included and effective tips to write an eye-catchy blog title. I really like the post and especially the tips that you have included.

    Writing an attractive, engaging & eye-catchy blog title is really essential, whereas an eye- catchy title engage more readers easily and also helps to generate more traffic to blog post. Writing a good and catchy title is a great key to attract more readers and users and to improve customer engagement. Observing titles from top niche blogs will helps a lot.As this post will help many users and readers to write an attractive and engaging title for their blog post.

    Really helpful post with effective tips and thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi ryan,Very useful blog post. Titles are the best way to grab the attention of the viewers. Even in terms of the SEO catchy blog title will improve CTR in the SERP. Writing appealing titles that convert is an art. No matter what kind of post you are writing about. Catchy titles are the key to grab attention. I have noticed that using numbers in title improved the CTR. What makes a title in one industry might not work in the different industry. Like you have mentioned it is better to see what works for your industry/niche and use similar titles and off course not the same title.

  3. Hey Ryan,
    Thank you very much for sharing tips. This is where I struggle the most regards to publishing on my blog. I think, most of the beginners do not know how to write the perfect title.
    As you have said, it is one of the most important part of blogging. A catchy title is everything.
    So, thank you very much again for showing us how you do it.

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