The dream of every blogger is to get their site on top of Google’s first page.
In order to make that dream come true one has to work thoroughly to be able to get the best results.
I have seen lots of bloggers who get more than 10 million page views from Google search to their blog every month and these never cease to stop.
One can say that that is quite a high level of traffic, I can say it that the most popular site’s traffic is dominated by up to 70% from Google.
Let’s say you get 70% of traffic above which we calculated to be 7 million page views, can you predict how much you’ll earn if well used.
Anyways it’s a good result you’ll get as it is most trusted and secure.
We will proceed by letting ourselves now the benefits of getting on top Google’s first page.

Benefits of High ranking on Google search
Google search traffic has helped bloggers build their sites, earn their income, provide foods on their table just as they help contribute to Google providing content that help solve user’s problems.
Google search traffic is free to get, it depends on your Optimization skills and knowledge.
Google traffic is the highest source that gives you enough traffic without forcing you to pay in anyways unless you need to hire an SEO specialist.
Most sites you see out there have their traffic coming from Google, if they were to pay for all traffic they get, they’d be sharing half of their income.
Google search traffic is highly useful; you get visitors that are in search of an answer, a solution to their problem.
Once you show up on the list of sites who offers the solution, you get your share of the cake (traffic)
That traffic becomes useful to you in one way or the other.
It is either from monetization methods such as Ads display or affiliate marketing.
Google traffic is helpful as you enjoy various helping benefits.
Getting Google search traffic help you reach users who are looking for information or solution you post on your site.
Now let us move on to the real deal
How do I improve my site ranking Google Search?
Now, this is the real question, we have talked about the importance of getting Google search traffic now it is time we talked about how you can start getting traffic from Google Search.
SEO can be complicated sometimes but getting traffic is a good thing, Only that it is not easy to get featured in the search results that really matter.
For you to have your site getting seen in Google search result where you will start sharing part of the traffic, you need to some serious work, well I am not trying to scare you but if I must be honest I have to let you know)
The main reason you are reading this content is to increase your site ranking in Google search better than before.
It’s in the past that SEO was easier, now there are millions of sites on the internet and these sites want to get known in their own respected field.
This insinuates that competition is rising everyday just as new sites are being created daily and all with the aim of getting known, trying to get from the existing traffic.
For example, we have millions of sites on the internet already, these sites which are fighting for their own share of the traffic.
And now we have new sites being created daily, we have competition rising drastically, these new sites are targeting the same niche of sites that have been in existence, now we have the big boys (Old sites) gaining the large fraction of the traffic.
You as a new site owner who wants your site to have part of the Google search traffic when we have sites that have been in existence for a long time.
Meaning Google trusts site which has an average level of trust and age not lower.
Sparing the long talk let’s talk about you as a new site owner who wants to increase his site ranking on Google for higher traffic.
For you to know more about the point you should be hitting, you need to know more about how Google decides to rank a site that’s why I’m sharing with you the below info.
Factors that define your site ranking on Google
To start getting more benefits from the existing Google search traffic you need to make sure your site is responsive.
A responsive site can easily adapt you the screen of users respectively; the reason why Google wants a site to be responsive is to help improve the user feel.
We’ve always wanted to make our customers get the best of what we offer, that is why Google wants their users to have a more comfortable feeling when visiting sites referred by them.
Mobile usability
Based on research and result I got, I have come to learn that users of mobile phone are of high number than that of desktop users.
Who carries a desktop around these days just to stay updated?
Everybody including you and me-only carry our lightweight smartphones all around.
It is easier for us to surf the internet in one click without visiting the cyber café just as we do before.
If I am to say the numbers of Smartphone users you’ll be greatly surprised. Everyone adapts with the society they live, so is Google algorithms, the need for mobile sits has increased over time.
Google improvised and changed its algorithms to make sure sites that show in its search results are well optimized for users.
This is one of the top factors that affect Google search rank; Google publicly announced that they will be using speed as part of its ranking factors.
This means the faster your site loads the better your percentage of getting more traffic.
Speed being a ranking factor has effects users experience whether they browse your site with their mobile or desktop.
Basically, we all know how we respond to sites than loads slower than we expected, we leave the site irrespective of the quality content they might offer as other sites provides the same, and it is like we won’t visit the site again after the bad experience.
This is another mind-blowing factor; we all keep hearing “content is king” that word is right.
Content is king, yes I agree, without contents, a site would just exist with no return on investment.
Providing just any content will yield nothing but pain in the heart, writing well detailed and helpful content is the best you can offer.
With good contents, you can grow your site from nothing to something.
How contents are categorized
-High valued contents
You need to create content with greater value to improve your site ranking, if you provide informative, helpful, and convincing contents then you will win the heart of your site visitors making them come back for more and giving your site Google’s trust.
-Consistent content publishing
Publishing high-quality content helps your site a great deal. One thing about Google is that they love the freshness on site.
When you keep publishing more helping contents you keep entertaining and helping your site users at the same time whereby building a community.
When you increase the rate by which you publish content, Google will regard your site as active and helpful.
Google search includes authority in its ranking factor. Being more authoritative in your own field makes your site stand out, thus increasing your ranking.
Age, contents, backlinks all define how your site’s authority increases.
To make your site get the attention it needs you to need to stand out in your chosen niche let people know your site by its contents.
Keep your site alive over time and you will see an increase in ranking=traffic.
Getting to the next step- where we will about -How to improve site ranking
1. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly
Making your site is mobile-friendly is one essential factor to improve your site ranking.
Like I said earlier that is highly important for a site to be mobile-optimized as the need for mobile sites has evolved.
So Google is trying to make things easier for all mobile users by improving their experience using this factor in their algorithm to make sites that are mobile-friendly excel than those that are less mobile-friendly.
-Using a well-optimized theme
When designing a site we all want the fancy look that will attract users then we forget to choose a less disturbing theme.
Choosing a well-optimized theme should be your top priority when choosing one if you really want to give your users what they want.
The fancy looking theme can be attractive I know it is because you think users will love it because you want to give the best experience by enticing them to the look but Google bots think otherwise.
What if you create a fancy looking site with lots of widgets, then it ends up disturbing crawling bots what will you do?
All the time you spent on designing the complex site wasted when you don’t get any visitors to see the look.
So it is better to get a simple theme that will showcase your site’s contents the right way, giving your site a total easy navigation system.
A simple theme contains less code, loads faster and it is said to be well coded.
Easy navigation system
To maintain a well-optimized site, you need to consider making your site’s navigation system as simple as possible.
Easy navigation gives the site’s visitors and bots easy control over the site interface interaction; they will be able to see all the necessary contents.
Navigation works as a guide throughout your site, it allows your site visitors to see and choose the category of contents they are looking for.
Examples of a navigation system
A well visible menu is a great example of a good navigation system as it helps visitors navigate through your site easily with clicks on respective categories.
-Table of contents
Well placed table of contents in your site’s contents can help boost your site ranking more, the table of contents helps your site’s visitors see the section you cover in the content they are reading and also gives them good navigation over it.
2. Improve site speed
I have talked about speed as one of Google’s ranking factors above.
It is important you take your site’s speed seriously, it is crucial you maintain a high level of speed leverage.
Google recently posted they’ll start using Core web vital as a great ranking factor and all these are based on site’s speed.
Apart from increasing your site’s ranking on Google search, speed plays a key role in determining whether a visitor will stay or go it also decide whether they’ll come back or not.
A slow site will worsen your site visitor’s experience and this will affect your site reputation.
The bounce rate becomes high when visitors leave your site too quickly; this hurts your site’s health.
So I find it essential to work on keeping your site loading time as low as possible, speeding it up will do you more good.
Tips on how to increase your site’s speed
-Use a theme with a simple interface
I’ve talked about this earlier; fancy looking sites with too much widget slow down your site.
Make sure you get a simple theme that will do the speed job for you. There are lots of themes out there to choose from, themes that are simple and yet effective. Do your research to find which is perfect for you.
-Change hosting or upgrade
Hosting plays a crucial role in determining how fast your site will respond or load.
If you use a low-quality hosting then you’ll experience a lag in speed, downtime, and others.
And this isn’t good enough because you need to make your site available at all times. I have seen sites with bad hosting causing the owners frequent headaches as they lose visitors.
Always go for recommended hosting service providers, it will save you time, money, and increase your site server response time which will result in more steady traffic. Also, learn how to upgrade your hosting plans when you exceed the current hosting resources.
3. Create more quality contents
One thing that can help you see the quick results is creating more quality content.
Without quality contents, your site doesn’t stand a chance against all other sites on the internet.
Creating your own quality content makes your sites, different from other sites that have existed.
Contents define how different your site is from other sites in your field. If you create content that are more helpful than other sites then you have the chance of outranking them.
How to create quality contents
Do research
Doing your very own research on the content you’re trying to create gives you ultimate knowledge.
It is important you research know every aspect of the topic you’re covering so you won’t be short of ideas.
When you do your proper research you’ll be able to answer questions related to that topic anywhere anytime.
Do your planning; writing content without proper will leave you stranded.
When you plan before writing content you will be ready for all that may come. Planning helps you proper segments to contents, to make it easier to read.
Write long contents (Meaningful)
Google is known to have always feature sites with long content more often if the requirement is met.
When you write long contents it means you know more about the contents you are sharing the reason for that is that long contents seem to well detailed, containing all aspects users need to know about a certain topic.
So it’s more recommended to start by giving long meaningful content at all times.
4. Improve your site’s brand name
It is important to brand your site name; choosing a unique site name gives you a brand name option.
Your site can experience a great change in ranking if you improve your site brand.
Make your site well known for its name, get it verified and trusted.
Create a business page for your site with tools available such as social media platforms.
Once you get your site name branded you will see more change in ranking.
Tips to help make site name branded
-Create Google my business page
I have seen this quite effective, it makes Google trust your site more when you verify your site name by creating a Google business page.
It shows that your brand name is to be trusted and real. It contains your real address, phone numbers and other information to show people you exist and you are stopping anytime soon.
5. Build links
When you build links your site tends to rank higher than before, building links help your site get known.
Note that building links is very important to get your site winning over your competitors in the long run.
Other benefits of building good links includes increment in authority (Page and domain authority) and trust.
These two authority types are very important; it decides how trusted and authoritative your site is.
To maintain a high level of trusted links see the types of the link to build
Internal links
This type of link is important to every site owner to build, it is easier to build and a little bit hard to maintain.
When you build internal links, Google bots see the links as a related ranking signal and this means you are optimizing your site SEO.
Internal links require you as a site owner building links in contents meaning you link to other contents that are related to the current one using the appropriate keyword.
External links (backlinks)
This is a more important type of link building as it defines your site’s trust and authority name.
Unlike internal links, backlinks are not easy to get, but if you follow the process of getting backlinks you will find it easier to get.
When you build backlinks make sure you are getting links from a legitimate and related site.
This is because the source of links does have impacts on your site’s trust and authority.
Don’t go outbuilding just any link; make sure you have checked the sites you want to get backlinks thoroughly.
Do your link building gradually, building spam links will only get your site’s ranking to worsen and you might not be able to get over it in time.
All the tips mentioned above need to be done step by step. Do not rush the process.
Make sure you follow the steps one by one, try all over, and see changes. Check out for all those links pointing to your site from time to time.
Review your site’s SEO using premium or free tools out there for a proper checkup, these tools were created to help you review your site with detailed information on errors and how to solve them all.
I wish you the best with the hope of you improving your site’s ranking in Google search.
Hi Eniola I just wants to thank you because this article is really helpful and informative, I was recently depressed because I didn’t have any idea how to increase my Rank in Google and just because of this I didn’t ranked on Google any more but after reading this article I am ready to takeoff in Google ranking. Thanks again?♥️?
I am glad you find the post helpful. To really increase your site ranking in google search follow the steps in the post over and over again and you will see improvement.
Thqank you for reading and watchout for more.
Hey Eniola ,
Great post with effective tips to improve the site ranking in google. It is my first time commenting on your blog post and i must say that you have done a fantastic work and suggested helpful tips to increase the site ranking in google.
I totally agree with one of your mentioned line that getting the site on the top of google first page is a
dream of almost every blogger. Getting the site on the top of google first page provide several benefits, whereas site Speed, contents, Mobile usability and responsiveness are the great ranking factors that determines the site ranking.
Content is a king and plays a vital role in improving the site ranking. It is important that the content that we are creating must be of high quality and useful for readers, so that they could get knowledge and ideas from it. Focusing on quality of a content is more important rather than content quantity. Site speed also matters a lot in improving the site rankings, whereas a site with slow loading speed consume much time and can be annoying some times. People never like to visit the site that consume much time to open. Building links are also crucial to improve the site ranking. As this post will help several people, readers and bloggers to improve the
site ranking in google.
Truly helpful post and thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the great comment!
Traffic keeps a blogger going and to get it you have to do series of things.
I’m hoping to do better than this soon.
It’s great you find it helpful, thank you for stopping by.